Intl. Conference postponed for the last week of July, 2019

It is announced that the International Conference on “An Inclusive and Peaceful Society in Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities” has been postponed for the last week of July, 2019. New dates and schedule will be announced soon. 

Academia Best Source of Defeating Islamophopbia

A seminar on “Role of Ulema for promotion of peace in society” at Islamic Research Institute (IRI) of International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) has called upon Muslim societies to devise a comprehensive strategy against Islamophobia with a close linkage between … Read More

IRI’s Paigham-e-Pakistan Consultative Meeting

Islamic Research Institute (IRI) International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) will establish a Paigham e Pakistan center for peace, reconciliation and reconstruction studies and will also offer a post graduate diploma in peace and conflict studies. The proposal was recommended by … Read More

Grand Mufti of Egypt Endorses “Paigham-e-Pakistan”

Collective efforts for dissemination of true message of Islam are imperative and narrative of “Pegham-e-Pakistan” is a timely step to peruse this goal, said H.E. Dr. Shawki Ibrahim Abdel Karim Allam, Grand Mufti of Republic of Egypt, Grand Mufti of … Read More

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